Prayer Pals
Join us in prayer for ourselves, our family, our Church, our community and our country
Dear Heavenly Father,
Lord, we are apprehensive and frustrated by happenings in our country and the world. Please give our leaders wisdom and sensitivity to work for unity and the common good.
Bless those who suffer from anxiety disorders to feel the steady hand of peace and find the help they need to live without fear.
We ask for divine intervention for those family members and friends who are lost. Send the Holy Spirit to draw them in before it’s too late.
We pray for the homeless people to find shelter and sustenance. Bless us to perceive the ways we can help them.
Please calm the storms of worry and angst that we sometimes feel in our lives and bequeath to us a spirit of calmness and dependence on You.
We ask for blessings on the people who serve our community and those who face danger: first responders, policemen, firemen and patrolmen. Give them wisdom, courage, strength and compassion.
Bless the Elders and Deacons as they direct the affairs of our church. Fill the with the Holy Spirit and give them wisdom, patience and insight as they carry out their duties.
Lord, draw us unto Yourself and strengthen our faith. In these trying times, lead us to depend on Your promises. Bless us to let go of earthly desires more completely and devote ourselves to our relationship with You.
Please bless the containment of the Coronavirus. Give the doctors and medical personnel the knowledge they need to develop counteractive measures against the spread of the disease and its prevention.
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of the world shall grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.”